Sunday, August 3, 2014

Canaan turns TWO!

So Canaan's birthday was yesterday, but we spent the whole day at the zoo and I didn't have time to post.  We had an amazing day celebrating with our little man, and I will probably do a post on that in the next few days.  I just wanted to share the birthday letter I wrote for him this year.

 I can't believe I am sitting here writing your 2nd birthday letter.  The last two years have flown by and we are so blessed to have you in our lives.

When I found out I was pregnant with you, I was terrified.  The twins hadn't even had their first birthday yet.  You would be the sixth child.  Who even has six kids?! I didn't want to have to deal with the questions and judgment from others.  However, a few days after finding out, I called my doctor.  He said "I just need to ask, Do you want to keep it?"  I was so shocked that I almost crashed my car. "Of course" I answered.  And with that any fear, panic, or insecurity I had went away.  You were my child and I loved you already.  I couldn't believe that someone would even think I wouldn't want you.

Since you've been born life has been crazy, it's been hard, it's been busy; but its also been fun and full of love.  I can't imagine life without you.  We all love you so much.  You are our baby and you bring so much happiness to our family.

You are so funny and love to make people laugh. The older kids love to joke around and make you laugh.  Watching you all laugh and goof around together melts my heart.  I hope your happiness only grows and your smiles and laughs become more numerous. 

As your terrible twos start to rear their ugly head, it's hard to remember how easy you always were.  We brought you home and you just fit, like there was always this spot waiting for you.  You barely cried, slept awesome, and went with the flow.  Now you are getting into everything you can, having meltdowns for no reason, and refusing to leave my side if there is a stranger in the room.  But as I sit here now, watching you play with your cars so nicely and quietly, it's hard to remember that you were just emptying the contents of a closet.  The truth is that even with your new curiousity and stubborness, you are still easy.  You still go with the flow and are usually happy. 

I'm not sure if I'll ever have another baby.  You might be forever known as "the baby".  Because of this I may be too easy on you.  I'm not in a rush to take away your pacifier or get you out of your crib.  I let you get away with a little more than any of the other kids were allowed to.  I want to hold on to all of the baby left in you because I don't want to forget what it's like.  I don't want to forget your little, chubby baby hands, or the little blonde curls in your hair.  The ones I know will never be the same after your first haircut.  I don't want to forget the big, wet baby kisses or the way you smile and run to hug me with I come back from being gone.  Even if I was only gone for 5 minutes, you are still always so happy to see me.

You are a boy, and a tough one at that.  I know that one day you will be embarrassed to be seen with me, but I hope that you never love me any less than you do right now. You, and your siblings, keep me going.  You are my heart, my world and my love for you will only grow.

I love you more than you will ever believe. I hope your next year is even better than the last.

Happy Golden Birthday my boy!


Thursday, June 5, 2014


My little Isaac is one of the sweetest, most loving little boys I have ever known.  At least five times a day he stops what he is doing, comes over to me, stares into my eyes, and says "Mommy, I love you." He loves to cuddle and always asks if he can "sit on your legs." It's so cute that he says legs instead of lap. My mom made him a sock monkey pillow when he had heart surgery about 18 months ago and he is obsessed with it. He carries it all over with him.  I know when he is tired because he is laying on his monkey pillow, sucking his thumb. There is one thing about this boy that really scares me.  He loves people so much that even if he doesn't know someone, he will go right up to them.  We were at the playground at our apartment complex the other day and this older lady came out with her three grandsons.  She sat on the bench with one of the boys in a stroller next to her.  Isaac went over, climbed on to the bench, scooted right up to her and started talking to her.  We have never seen this lady before! Another time we were having a family party and my grandpa showed up.  We don't see him very often so my kids are usually shy, just like with any extended family member you only see a couple times a year.  Isaac came running out of the water slide/pool and threw his arms around his legs.  It was so cute!  I have at least 10 other stories like this.  I love that he loves people so much and is so affectionate, but it scares me that one day he might climb up next to the wrong person on the bench. 

Isaac is such a tiny little guy.  He is almost 3 1/2, but he still doesn't even weigh 30 pounds. Becca is at least 2 or 3 inches taller than him.  People always think Selena and Becca are the twins instead of Becca and Isaac because he is so much smaller than her.  He may be small, but this boy can eat! He probably eats more that the other kids combined.  He loves fruit and vegetables...weird kid, I know. I try to serve at least one fruit and/or vegetable with every meal, and it is always the first thing he eats.  He loves broccoli, bell peppers, cereal, and bananas; but there is nothing he refuses to eat. 

Crazy is a great word to describe Isaac! He has so much energy and loves to run around, wrestle with his older brother, and climb/jump off anything he can. Going to the park is one of his favorite things to do.  He isn't a big fan of the swings, but he loves everything else about it.  Loud is another great word to describe him.  He screams instead of talking about 80% of the time.  His laugh is one of my favorite sounds in the world. Whenever we watch movies or cartoons, he will repeat all the funny parts and break into a fit of laughter.  He then wants everyone else around him to reenact the part also.  We watched Free Birds the other day and the little girls says "I'm tired now" and falls asleep.  Isaac has been walking around for days saying "I'm tired now" and pretending to fall asleep.  When my mom came over today he was making her do it too.  One of the last times Anna was here she was trying to be funny and called Josh a hobo.  Isaac now asks everyone if they are a hobo and thinks he is so funny. 

He may be crazy and loud, but he can also be sensitive and a little bit of a scaredy cat.  He isn't a huge fan of heights, unless he climbed up himself.  Like I mentioned in my post about Becca, we went to Little Amerrikka last summer and he refused to go on any rides.  The few we forced him to go on he spent freaking out and crying.  Swimming isn't his favorite either.  He loves to run through a sprinkler and play at the splash park, but he's doesn't like being in a pool.  Hopefully that will change this summer, because I plan on spending a lot of time at the pool and beach.  There are a bunch of other little things that set him off into a panic, but other times he acts fearless.  For example, if you read my Mother's Day post, you saw a picture of him holding a frog. I'm hoping he grows out of a lot of this stuff in the next year or so. 

Isaac loves to watch Paw Patrol, Wallykazam, and Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood.  He loves the Air Buddy movies.  Now that Dominic is older and watches TMNT, Spiderman, and other "big kid" shows; Isaac is into that too. We found some little army guys at the Dollar General awhile back.  Isaac loves them and plays with them almost all day.  He always tries to bring them in the car and to bed with him. Wendy's was giving out these little connector toys in their happy meals a couple times when we went, and those are also some of his favorites.  Now that Dominic is in school, Isaac is stuck with the girls all day.  They always seem to talk him into pretending to have a picnic or a tea party.  Thankfully Canaan is getting to the age where he is showing some interest in Isaac and in the last few weeks they have started playing together more.  Isaac also loves dinosaurs and animals.  We have buckets of animal/dinosaur toys, and those keep him busy for quite awhile.  He is a great sleeper and falls asleep within minutes of being laid down for nap and at bedtime (I wish his sisters would be more like him). There is something so special about this boy and his heart.  I can't wait to see what kid of person he becomes.

PS My internet crashes every time I try to add pictures which is why there are no pictures on the last two posts

Height: Not really sure, he goes to the DR in a couple weeks
Weight: Hanging on to his 29 pounds
Clothing size: He wears mostly 2T pants, but is starting to finally wear some 3T and is in almost all 3T shirts. He wears a size 7 or 8 shoe.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


In my last post when I said tomorrow's post would be all about Becca, I guess I should have said next week's post. Yikes! Life seems to get crazier by the day around here.

Becca is almost 3 1/2.  I can't believe that the twins will be 4 before I know it.  Life has definitely not been the same since they came along.  They are crazier than I could ever have imagined and no day with them is uneventful.  Even though they are a handful, they are the biggest blessing I ever could have imagined.  Becca is one crazy girl! She is stubborn and knows what she wants.  Trying to get her to do anything turns into a battle.  It is so frustrating sometimes and my patience wears thin multiple times a day.  She doesn't take crap from anyone either.  I think it's because she has so many crazy brothers, but she can handle them.  She loves to wrestle with them and definitely doesn't let them push her around.  This girl isn't scared of anything either.  Last summer we took the kids to Little Amerricka and she went on every ride without a second thought.  She loved the roller coasters.  I think Isaac rode one or two rides and cried most of the time.  One of her favorite things to do is jump off of anything she can climb up onto.  She doesn't mind being away from me either.  The other kids usually don't wander too far away from me, but this girl will just go off and try to do her own thing.  Last summer at the zoo I almost had a heart attack when she wandered away from my dad.  Luckily she wasn't far and we found her within a minute or two, but I haven't taken my eyes off of her since.  She breaks rules and gets into mischief like it's her job.  She loves to do things she knows she isn't supposed to do just to see how long it will take her to get caught.  She's a handful, but she's my girl.

Becca is so silly.  She loves to try to tell jokes or play little pranks.  Her facial expressions are hilarious and I'm pretty sure that anyone who spends any time with this girl can tell you all about them.  She has perfected the eye roll already so I'm excited to see what kind of teenager she's going to be.  She loves to sing and dance, and she isn't shy.  The other day at the grocery store she started belting out "Let It Go" and didn't care who was around.  It makes me so happy to see her do things like that because I am SO shy and it kept me from doing a lot of stuff.  I was always so scared what people would think of me, but she doesn't seem to mind.  We went to Brat Fest this weekend and saw George Moss and Group 1 Crew play and she was dancing around like crazy.  She loves to be outside and doesn't mind getting dirty.  This girl would live outside if I let her. 

It's really hard to capture what Becca is really like with words.  The other kids are so easy to describe, but this girl is just a little bit of everything.  She has such a lively spirit and she amazes me every day.  One of my favorite memories of her that I will ever have happened at church.  Josh and I went to get her and Isaac from their classroom and she came out so excited.  She started jumping up and down and yelling "I love church" over and over again.  Everyone around us was laughing.  It is awesome to see how excited she gets and how big her love can be.  She is very loving and cares a lot about all of us.  She has a temper and a hefty attitude, but she is also one of the sweetest girls ever.  Every time I put her to bed she wraps her arms around my neck and gives me the biggest hug and I will probably cry for weeks after she stops doing that some day.  Her voice is the best thing ever.  I don't know how to describe it except to say that she reminds me of a little mouse.  I could listen to her talk all day because it's just so sweet.  The conversations her and Isaac have are the best.  Before they could talk they had their own little language and sometimes it still seems like they understand each other when no one else can.

Becca loves to watch Dora, Doc McStuffins, and Paw Patrol.  She loves dogs, zebras and pigs.  Her bed is full of stuffed animals and she will not go to bed if one of them is missing.  Speaking of bed, this girl does not like to sleep.  It is a battle to get her down for her nap or to go to bed at night and she gets up at the crack of dawn.  No sleeping in for this mommy!  She isn't a huge fan of thunderstorms, but even those don't bother her a lot.  She is not a very picky eater and usually only refuses to eat something because Selena won't eat it. She loves bananas and would eat one with every meal and snack if she could.  I can't leave any candy laying around in the kitchen or she will sneak out in the morning and eat it.  Picking up her toys is not her favorite activity and she loves to make a huge mess everywhere she goes.  We are working on that along with her potty training.  This girl is smart! She knows how to use the potty, what she is supposed to do, and when she needs to go; but she is too dang stubborn! Dominic and Selena were both potty trained at 3 1/2 and they were the same way.  They refused and then one day put underwear on and never looked back.  I'm hoping in another month or two Becca and Isaac are both potty trained and I can go to only having one kid in diapers, for the first time since 2010. There isn't much Becca doesn't like.  She may be a handful, but she's pretty easy going.  She can sing a ton of songs, knows a lot of her letters, can count a little over ten, and knows most of her shapes and colors.  Getting her to sit still is hard, but when she does she likes to look at books and will usually let me read one or two to her before she has to get up and go.

I've been through a lot with this little girl.  Being born premature she had a lot of health issues.  She still struggles with asthma and lung disease.  Remembering how small and sick she once was and now looking at this girl she became is amazing.  She is pretty tall for her age.  Selena is mad because her baby sister is almost taller than her.  I can't wait to see who she becomes as she gets older.

Weight: 32 pounds
Height: She is probably 39 or 40 inches
Clothing Size: 4T or 4 and she wears a size 8 or 9 shoe depending on the brand

Monday, May 12, 2014

Mother's Day 2014

I had a great Mother's day with my kiddos. It was our weekend to have Anna and her mom had to work, so I got to spend the day with her. Josh got up with them in the morning so I could sleep in a little bit. He had them make cards and they got me breakfast from the gas station.  I woke up to all 6 kids running into my room, screaming "Happy Mother's Day!"  Anna gave me a little flower pot with some flowers, Dominic had made a picture frame at school with a picture of him in it, and then Selena handed me a bag.  I opened it to find about 15 pine cones inside.  She was SO happy and excited to give them to me.  It was probably one of the best presents I have ever gotten!

A little later that morning we headed over to my mom's house.  We took the kids out back by her swing set and they had a blast.  My mom lives on a hill, and Anna kept riding her big wheel down the hill. We found a baby toad which the kids thought was hysterical.  Becca was only brave enough to hold it for a few seconds, but Isaac and Canaan loved the poor little thing.  They kept picking it up and playing with it.

 After playing outside for a while we went inside and ate lunch.  My dad had grilled chicken and hamburgers.  He had also got cupcakes at the store which of course the kids made a huge mess out of.  We went back outside after lunch.  My mom and I took the three girls and Canaan on a walk around her neighborhood.  It was nice to get to spend that time with her.  After we came home I made the kids chocolate chip pancakes for dinner.  Then I had to go meet my mother-in-law so she could get Anna. The drive home was about 25 minutes and it was nice to have that time to myself.  By the time I got home Josh had all the kids ready for bed.  After I put them all to bed, we watched a movie and had a nice, quiet night.  I couldn't have asked for a better day and we all had a lot of fun.

Tomorrow I will be posting all about Becca!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


So far I have sucked at this blogging thing. I wanted to try to post at least every other day at first, but I got sick and haven't had the energy to do much of anything.  Anyway, I thought that since Mother's Day is coming up I would write a post about each one of my kids, but since there are so many I probably won't have them all done before then.  The purpose of me doing this blog is to help remember exactly how each child acted, what they loved/hated, and the other little things that might not stay with me forever.

I decided to start with my baby Canaan.  He just turned 21 months old, which means that before I know it, he will be two!  I can't believe how fast time goes.  It seems like just yesterday I was holding this little baby in my arms and now he's almost not even a baby anymore.
Canaan loves to be the center of attention and make people laugh. He loves to play games with his older siblings to get them to laugh at him.  The faces and expressions he makes are the cutest! He is so animated about everything he does.  Just recently he started pretending to fall and will then roll around making these groaning sounds.  The older kids love to ask him where each person in the family is because then he will look at the person and make some crazy face, then they all burst into a fit of laughter.  This is usually how dinner is spent each night in between the rounds of "where's the baby" and watching Canaan hit himself in the face with his cup to try to get some extra laughs.  He also likes to march around and the best way I can describe it is like a sumo wrestler.  He bends his legs out to the sides and then marches around like that.  When he's not doing that he hops around like a kangaroo or he will bend over and put his arms behind his back and run at you.  The older kids are also huge fans of pretending to be dogs and he has finally perfected the art of crawling around like a dog just like they do. They get such a kick out of it.
Canaan is also so loving and sweet.  He loves to give hugs and kisses.  He will just come up and wrap his arms around my neck. *Melt my heart* If one of the other kids is upset he will go right up to them and give them a hug and kiss.  He loves to cuddle and if I sit down he climbs right up in my lap, every time.  He is also a huge blanket and stuffed animal kid.  Almost every time I see him he is carrying around a blanket and/or stuffed animal.  When I take him out of his crib, he insists on trying to grab every blanket and stuffed animal out of his bed.  I only let him take one of each, which he is usually okay with.  Most of the time he still takes two naps.  One in the morning for about an hour and then an afternoon nap for about two to three hours.  It's weird because none of my other kids were still taking two naps at this age, but I'm okay with it! It gives me some time to work with the older kids on flash cards and stuff that is hard to do when he is around. He is also a big mama's boy.  He isn't a fan of people he doesn't see on a regular basis. Trying to drop him off at the church nursery is a nightmare and he usually ends up in church with us.
This boy is all boy! He loves to climb on everything he can and gets into everything.  He is so curious about everything and loves to check things out.  We have a train table in our living room and he will stand on it and stare into the fish tank.  There have been a few times I have had to dig the lid out of the tank, but we're working on that one.  He used to pull the drawer out of the train table and sit in it, until he broke it by doing that and we decided to not even waste our time fixing it.  If I tell the kids to get in their chairs, he climbs up onto the table and then climbs into his high chair. He also enjoys standing on our end table to play with the blinds and running around on the kitchen table.  This boy may give me a heart attack. I can't take my eyes off of him for a second without him finding a new obstacle to conquer. Surprisingly he hasn't attempted to start climbing out of his crib yet, and I am planning on keeping him in that crib as long as possible.  All three boys share a room and I can't even begin to imagine the trouble they are going to cause one day.
Canaan loves to watch Dora and Paw Patrol. Every time one of those shows comes on TV he starts jumping up and down and screaming.  He doesn't talk a ton, but he knows how to say Dora.  He also says Mama, Dada, Anna, Bye, Hey, Love you, II (Isaac), Sissy (Selena), Yes, Nononono, and Grandma.  He will not say something if you tell him to. I hear him say stuff all the time but when I ask him to say it he will just stare at me.  The words above are the ones I hear him say on a regular basis. He also won't say more, he just taps on his plate when he wants more of something. Splashing in the bathtub is one of his favorite things to do. He also likes to play with Mega Blocks, run around outside, look at books, dance, and watch animals. Graham crackers are his favorite thing to eat.  I said that he likes to look at books, but he doesn't like to be read to.  He wants to hold the book and turn the pages. He is starting to become a lot more independent.  Most of the time he gets mad if I try to carry him outside or up the stairs. Since he has five older siblings, he has to keep up!  Other than that there isn't a lot that he has a fit about.  If he is tired or sick it's a different story, but for the most part he is a really happy, easy-going little guy. I love him so much and I am so blessed to be his mommy.

Weight: 26 pounds
Height: to be honest I have no clue
Clothes size: mostly 18 and 24 months, size 5.5 or 6 shoe
Diaper size: 4

Friday, May 2, 2014

My Crazy Life

I wanted to start this blog as a way to remember life.  My days are always so full of chaos that by the time I get the kids to bed, the last thing I want to do is take out 6 different memory books and write.  I find myself forgetting simple things that I want to remember forever.  Dominic is already 6 years old and it's so hard to remember what life was like when he was a baby.  I want to remember each child's unique preferences, faces, personality, and every funny thing they say and do.  I figure if I have one place that I can come and document our life that I would have no excuse not to. I'm sure that by the time all of my kids leave the house I will probably have no memory left, if I haven't already been locked up for losing my mind, which feels like it could happen at any moment some days.  Raising 6 kids, which were born within 6 1/2 years of each other, is no joke! I feel like all I do is pick up toys, wash dishes/laundry, change diapers, and yell at kids.  Sometimes I think that all my kids are going to remember is me saying no, "no we don't jump on the furniture, or knock down the lamp, or pull down the blinds. no we don't dig in the litter box, or open and close the door 5 million times, or throw toys at each other. no we don't pet the fish, or take off our seatbelt, or play with Daddy's Playstation."  It hasn't helped that we have been stuck inside for months on end.  This winter was so cold that we could hardly ever leave the house let alone go outside and play. Now it's supposed to be Spring, but it's been way colder than usual and has rained for almost a week straight.  My kids need some nice, warm, dry weather so we can get outside.  I have also been looking into a lot of different indoor activities, but it is so overwhelming taking them anywhere alone.  There is a play group that meets at the community center right next to our apartment complex, but I haven't been brave enough to try it. We have done story time at the library a couple times with my mom and there is no way I could do it by myself.  I am hoping to get the girls in dance this summer or fall and Dominic is really excited to start karate.  Josh and I have just been discussing where to send him and if he is old enough, or if we should wait a year or two.  This probably won't be the most interesting blog to read and I'm not setting out to be a blogger.  I just want a place to document life and a place where our family can come and see what we are up to. I'm looking forward to having this place to come back to and remember forgotten memories.